Foreign exchange (FX)

14/05/2016 09:08 AM

​Spot FX is a transaction in which Vietcombank and you agree to buy and sell an amount of foreign currency:

  • At spot FX rate at the time of the transaction;
  • Settle in the next two business days.  


  • Meet your foreign currency demand immediately;
  • Apply to any pair of convertible currencies;
  • Simple and convenient procedures;
  • No limit on transaction size.

​When you want to hedge against the volatility of FX rate, you can use our forward FX service.

Forward FX is the transaction in which Vietcombank and you agree to buy and sell an amount of foreign currency:

  • At an FX rate set on the agreement date;
  • Settle on a specific future date (not longer than 365 days since the agreement date).


  • Avoid FX rate volatility as FX rate is fixed;
  • Budget your future expenses if the expenses are in foreign currencies;
  • Avoid foreign currency liquidity crunch in the market.
Foreign exchange (FX)